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Choose your pricing plan

  • 3 Day Student

    Every month
    3 day students only attend school on Tues, Thurs, and Fri.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Hybrid option for at home learning
    • Great option for homeschool families
    • One-on-one instruction, enrichment, and Fun Fridays!
  • 2 Day Student

    Every month
    2 day students attend school only on Tues and Thurs.
    Valid for 12 months
    • One-on-one instruction AND enrichment activities
    • Flexible option
    • Great for homeschool families
    • More affordable option
  • Club Fee

    Every week
    Club members only come on their club day from 2-3pm. This is a per club price.
    Valid for 52 weeks
    • Anyone can join a club
    • Socialization
    • Possible competitions

Students may choose to use the provided Acellus curriculum. Those who choose to use Acellus will incur a $79 fee for the curriculum.

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